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Does Direct Mail Marketing Still Work?

Unlike more traditional forms of marketing such as radio and TV advertising, direct mail doesn’t go away immediately if your readers decide it’s something of interest to them.  Do your research, write compelling copy and design something that’s visually interesting and you’ll be on your way to a successful direct mail campaign. At Carlson Communications, we believe direct marketing can be an effective form of communicating if you remember four things.

We’d love to discuss how we can help you leverage direct mail marketing to improve your bottom line.  Contact us today to get started!

1. Audience Profile

Do your research ahead of time about who will receive your message.  Are they likely to read their mail at all (that’s where the right copy and visuals are extremely important). You can select a list of recipients with a detailed profile using such parameters as age, income or net worth, home owner or renters, work status, value of home and length of time owning the home, town/city, etc. Thus, your message can be sent to a very targeted group of people if you prepare ahead of time.

2. Marketing Message

What is the message you want to convey?  Depending on the product or service you are selling, the length of copy should be relatively brief.  In general, people would much rather look at striking lifestyle photos or excellent photos of your product in lieu of reading paragraphs of copy.

Headlines and subheads that grab your attention, accompanied by appropriate photos or visuals, will determine if your reader decides to take action on your message by attending your event, going to your website to learn more or actually purchasing your product.

3. Direct Mail Design

Unless your direct mail piece is visually striking and attention getting, there’s a good chance it will literally “get lost in the mail.” Or at least among the other pieces of mail delivered to your mailbox.

Whether it’s the paper stock you select or the visuals in your design or the size and shape of your piece, all of these factors will influence your readers’ decision to open or read your direct mail.

4. Calls to Action

What is the ultimate goal of your direct mail piece? Be very clear what you want your reader to do after they read your copy.

Assuming they go to your website to learn more (you can establish a landing page on your website or even develop a microsite) or assign a phone number specifically to a direct mail piece to track how many people took action once they received your piece.

We’d love to discuss how we can help you leverage direct mail marketing to improve your bottom line. Contact us today to get started!

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